Zelfmanagementondersteuning in de verpleegkundige zorg: competentiemeting, praktijkvoering en dynamieken

  • 11 min.
  • Proefschrift


Self-management support in nursing care: measurement, practice and dynamics
Veerle Duprez

AIM: To contribute to the understanding of how self-management support manifests itself and can be enhanced among nurses.
METHODS: First, three instruments were developed and validated psychometrically within different samples (total n = 2,024). Second, current practice was analysed in cross-sectional studies with self-reports among 961 nurses employed in chronic care and 256 final-year nursing students. Antecedents of nurses’ behaviour were explored by multivariate theory-based hypotheses testing and path analysis. Third, a qualitative study using grounded theory principles and interviews was conducted with 16 purposively sampled nurses. Fourth, effectiveness of 25 systematically selected interventions was explored in a literature study.
FINDINGS and CONCLUSION: Three psychometric sound tools were developed, and provide guidance for clinical practice, nursing education and management. The findings underline the complexity of self-management support and the need to support nurses to develop a holistic perspective and patient-centred approach. Self-management support does not proceed according to a predetermined plan and requires a lot of flexibility from nurses as it constantly requires attuning to the individual patient situation. Nurses need to go beyond education and adopt a reflective stance towards patient’s achievements. It is essential to establish a care relationship where patients are seen as equal partners in care.

Keywords: Chronic care, counselling, nurse education, nursing, self-management, patient participation, psychometrics, validation studies 


Afbeelding cover Proefschrift Veerle Duprez

Het voorbije decennium groeide de aandacht voor participatie en eigen regie door personen met een chronische ziekte, met een centrale rol voor het verlenen van zelfmanagementondersteuning
(1-3). Zelfmanagementondersteuning leidt tot een betere gezondheid en kwaliteit van leven, tot meer persoonsgerichte zorg, en heeft het potentieel gezondheidszorgkosten te reduceren door bijvoorbeeld minder ziekenhuisopnames (4-6).&ellipsis;

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