Tussen verwachtingen en realiteit. Zelfmanagementondersteuning in de verpleegkundige praktijk en in de verpleegkundige opleiding

  • 12 min.
  • Proefschrift


Between Expectations and Reality. Selfmanagement support in nursing practice and nurse education.
Susanne van Hooft

AIM: To examine the role of nurses in self-management support, the competencies needed to fulfill this role, and how the Dutch Bachelor of Nursing education prepares nurses for these competencies.
METHODS: A Q-methodological study, a realist review, instrument development and psychometric testing, a cross sectional survey, and a mixed methods study, including curriculum review, focus groups, interviews, and a student questionnaire.
FINDINGS: Four distinct perspectives on the goals for self-management support were identified. The review showed that interventions focusing on patients’ intrinsic processes were most successful. The Self-Efficacy and Performance in Self-management Support (SEPSS) instrument has good content and construct validity, as well as good internal consistency reliability. A significant gap between self-efficacy and behaviour of self-management support was found (p < .001). The curriculum pays much attention to assessment of patient preferences and patient education but gives less attention to arranging follow-up care.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Everyday nursing practice is not necessarily in alignment with the expectations about the nurses’ role. A broad view on self-management not only implies that self-management involves a broad holistic scope on living with a chronic condition, it also implies a broad scope on the tasks nurses have in self-management support.

Key words: Self-management, self-management support, chronic conditions, nurse education


Cover Proefschrift Susanne van Hooft

Een patiënt die een chronische aandoening in zijn of haar leven moet integreren staat daarbij voor een aantal adaptieve opgaven. Vaak zijn patiënten goed in staat die zelfstandig of met hulp van hun sociale omgeving te volbrengen, maar soms hebben zij bij hun zelfmanagement ondersteuning van zorgprofessionals nodig. Veelal zijn het verpleegkundigen die deze ondersteuning bieden (1-3). &ellipsis;

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