Structuur bieden; Het ontrafelen van en bouwen aan een psychiatrisch verpleegkundige interventie

  • 11 min.
  • Shortpaper


Providing Structure; unravelling and building a psychiatric nursing intervention
Amar Voogt

AIM: The main objectives of this thesis were to describe Providing Structure (PS) as a nursing intervention in mental health care and to provide a proper description of PS as an intervention according to the requirements suggested in the MRC framework for the development and evaluation of complex interventions.
METHOD: A mainly qualitative approach was chosen that partly drew upon the principles of Grounded Theory. Five separate studies were conducted: a systematic literature review related to PS, an observational study, interview studies with patients and psychiatric nurses, and consensus building with experts in psychiatric nursing with a Delphi-study.
FINDINGS and CONCLUSION: PS consists of 4 general PS-activities, 15 specific activities, and 3 context-variables. The definition of PS is: PS means helping with daily rhythm and internal structure, and finding a balance between dealing with agreements and rules on the one hand and regaining personal control on the other hand. In the PS intervention, a working alliance between nurse and patient is established, in which the nurse interacts with the patient, observes a patient’s reaction, monitors a patient’s state of mind, and reflects upon patient behaviour.

Keywords: Providing structure, psychiatric nursing, nursing intervention


Cover proefschrift Amar Voogt

Psychiatrische verpleegkundigen gebruiken regelmatig de term Structuur bieden, maar zijn onvoldoende in staat uit te leggen wat daarmee wordt bedoeld. Structuur bieden wordt in behandel- en verpleegplannen genoemd alsof het een algemeen bekende basisinterventie in de psychiatrische verpleegkunde is. &ellipsis;

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