Verpleegkundig Onderwijs voor Wijkverpleegkunde: effect van curriculum-herontwerp op beeldvorming over wijkverpleegkunde en keuzen in zorgverlening

  • 12 min.
  • Proefschrift


Nursing Education for Community Care. Effect of curriculum-redesign on students’ perceptions and choices in caregiving.

AIM: Due to an increase of elderly patients with chronic diseases and/or multimorbidity living at home, community nursing is becoming increasingly important. However, many nursing students orientate for a future career in the hospital. Aim of this dissertation was to analyse the effect of a more ‘community-oriented’ curriculum-redesign on nursing students’ perceptions of community care and nursing interventions, fitting with working in the community.
METHOD: To measure both outcomes, two instruments were developed, the ‘Scale on COmmunity care PErceptions’ (SCOPE) and the ‘Assessment of Intervention choice in Community Nursing’ (AICN). Data of the student cohort graduating in 2018 that underwent the new curriculum were compared with the cohorts graduating in 2015, 2016 and 2017. 
FINDING/DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: The results showed that the curriculum-redesign as a whole was not effective in improving positive perceptions. However, community care appeared to be the only field of practice in which students became more interested over the course of the curriculum, in contrast to the general hospital. With regard to the effect of the curriculum-redesign on intervention choice, there is a clear and significant, albeit minor, shift in the direction of the new interventions, specifically with the themes of ‘using the patients’ social network’ and ‘indicating care’.

Keywords: community care; curriculum redesign; intervention choice; nursing student; perceptions

Cover (kleur) proefschrift Margriet van Iersel


Onderwijs kan worden gezien als een belangrijk middel om ‘de levens van anderen te verbeteren’ (1), en verpleegkundige curricula zijn, op grond van mondiale ontwikkelingen, dan ook gericht op een steeds ouder wordende populatie (2). Het percentage mensen ouder dan 60 neemt wereldwijd toe van 9,2% in 1990 tot een verwachte 21,1% in 2050 (3), waarbij steeds vaker sprake is van chronische ziekten en multimorbiditeit (4,5).&ellipsis;

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