Terugvalpreventie bij anorexia nervosa

  • 11 min.
  • Proefschrift


Relapse Prevention Anorexia Nervosa
Tamara Berends

AIM: The aim of the study was two-fold; 1) to build evidence for the use of the Guideline Relapse Prevention Anorexia Nervosa, and 2) to gain more insight into the different aspects of the process of relapse in order to improve and substantiate work on relapse prevention.
METHOD: The following study designs were used: case report, systematic literature review, cohort study and semi-structured interview study.
FINDINGS: The findings of our studies provide insight in the process of relapse from the perspective of the “three-legged stool” of evidence-based practice; through the patient, professional and science. Relapse is common, 31% of the patients experiences a relapse after successful treatment. Relapse occurs mostly in the first two years after treatment. The cohort study shows 11% relapse while working with the Guideline Relapse Prevention. Patients and parents experience the guideline as a safety-line.
CONCLUSION: The guideline is a useful instrument in daily practice. We advise all patients at the end of treatment, to set up a personalized relapse prevention plan together with their healthcare professional. In addition, patients should be monitored regularly for at least 18 months, because the risk of relapse appears to be high in this period.

Keywords: Anorexia nervosa, relapse prevention, early detection, early prevention, early intervention

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