Raise the lantern

Hoe licht kan bijdragen aan het behoud van een gezonde en veilige ziekenhuisomgeving met het oog op verpleegkundigen

  • 14 min.
  • Proefschrift


Raise the lantern. How light can help to maintain a healthy and safe hospital environment focusing on nurses
Mariëlle Aarts

AIM: To determine how lighting can support hospital nurses.
METHOD: The thesis consists of multiple studies: a controlled study to identify the best lighting conditions for reading medication labels; an archive study of incidents data to identify a potential correlation between light and (number of) incidents; methodology studies on how to measure light in field studies; a survey on the routines and the impact of shift work on nurses; an observational study on the effect of light exposure on alertness, sleep, and recovery; and finally, a placebo-controlled intervention study on the effect of light glasses on shift work.
FINDINGS: Improved light conditions reduce the number of reading errors of medication labels. Light can also support the constant switching of the biological clock, when working fast-rotating shifts. Light glasses showed its potential, although the impact was lower than claimed. Additionally, several methodical studies from an engineering perspective were performed.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Lighting is a simple, natural manner to support the work and health of nurses. Therefore, this should be given more attention in the hospital environment, where healthy nurses are key in maintaining a high standard of healthcare.

Keywords: Light, care professionals, hospital environment, health 

Foto (kleur) proefschrift Raise the lantern



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