Samenwerking tussen verpleegkundigen en zorgverlenende familieleden van thuiswonende ouderen die tijdelijk zijn opgenomen in het ziekenhuis

  • 11 min.
  • Proefschrift


Collaborative partnership between informal caregivers and nurses in the care of older hospitalized persons
Ellen Hagedoorn

AIM: To gain insight into collaborative partnerships between informal caregivers and nurses in the care of older hospitalized persons.
METHOD: This thesis consists of three studies: 1) a survey study of nurses’ attitudes towards the importance of families in nursing care, 2) an observational study in the hospital, and 3) a survey study of caregivers’ preparedness for caregiving and their level of collaboration with nurses.
FINDINGS: Nurses have a moderately positive attitude towards families, but do not seem to recognize them as collaborating partners. In general, nurses do not seem to elaborate on the nature of caregivers’ support during planned discussions. Informal caregivers find nurses trustworthy and accessible. However, caregivers rate their influence on decisions as low. Caregivers who experience a higher level of collaboration with nurses also show a higher level of preparedness for caregiving.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: In order to prepare family caregivers for more complex and demanding caregiving at home, it is important that nurses collaborate with them by involving them in coordinating care during the hospital admission and consistently handing over the care when the patient is discharged. This allows nurses to contribute to better quality and continuity of care before and after the hospitalization.

Keywords: Collaboration, family caregiver, hospitalization, nurses, preparedness for caregiving



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