Agressie en grensoverschrijdend gedrag in zorgrelaties tussen verpleegkundigen en patiƫnten

  • 11 min.
  • Proefschrift


Aggression and transgressive behaviour in care relationships between nurses and patients
Tina Vandecasteele

AIMS: To generate a comprehensive representation of aggression in care relationships between nurses and patients, and to acquire insight into the onset and meaning of aggression and transgressive behaviour from the perspective of both nurses and patients.
METHOD: First, a cross-sectional study was conducted. A sample of 769 nurses from 24 hospital wards and one primary care organization completed three validated assessment instruments. Second, three qualitative studies using a Grounded Theory approach and interviews were conducted with 42 nurses and 20 patients.
FINDINGS: The findings underline the complexity and multidimensional nature of aggression and transgressive behaviour in care relationships. Aggression towards nurses is prevalent. In addition, behaviour in itself does not determine ‘what’ is experienced as aggressive or transgressive behaviour. Underlying dynamic processes in patients’ and nurses’ perceptions were identified. These processes determine the meaning that is attributed to specific interactions in care relationships.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: The findings offer patients, student-nurses, nurses and nursing managers a comprehensible framework of what occurs in nurse patient care relationships when aggression or transgressive behaviour is experienced or perceived. The findings can provide content (or form the basis) of a policy to clarify, understand and remedy aggression and transgressive behaviour in practice.

Keywords: Aggression, general hospitals, nurse-patient relationships, qualitative research, quantitative research


Omslag proefschrift van Tina Vandecasteele (kleur)

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