Balanceren in samenvallende werelden

De emotionele impact gerelateerd aan het verblijven en werken op een intensive-careafdeling voor naasten van de patiƫnt en zorgprofessionals

  • 10 min.
  • Proefschrift


Balancing coincident worlds; The emotional impact of patients’ relatives and professionals in the intensive care
Margo van Mol

AIM: The overall aim of this thesis was to gain insight into the emotional challenges associated with intensive care (ICU) practice from the perspectives of both the patients’ relatives and the professionals.
METHOD: Several studies and designs were applied to explore the research question.
FINDINGS: Interventions that focus on person-centered care and encompass respect, dignity, and empathy, will have a positive influence on the users’ experiences. An ICU is increasingly complex and physically, cognitively and emotionally demanding for the professionals, which might lead to distress while working.
DISCUSSION: Staying and working in the ICU can be two sides of the same coin; patients and their relatives on the one side and healthcare professionals on the other side, are strongly connected to each other. Healthcare providers working in the ICU may play a crucial role and make a difference in the lives of the patients and their relatives. In their unsolicited role, patients and their relatives may contribute to the fulfillment of professional well-being.
CONCLUSION: Staying in the uncertain world of the ICU is never desirable for patients and their relatives; however, the negative impact of this stay might be diminished if they experience receiving optimal and quality care. Although it should be emphasized that working in the ICU can be inspiring and pleasurable, it is essential to take care of the professionals and their emotional balance while working. Overall, the ICU is a motivating world in which to work.

Key words: Empathy, healthcare professionals, intensive care unit, person-centered care, relatives


Emotionele uitdagingen gerelateerd aan het verblijven op een IC-afdeling

Cover proefschrift Margo van Mol

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