Hoe meet je kennis en attitude van verpleegkundigen met betrekking tot de oudere patiënt?

  • 13 min.
  • Proefschrift


How to measure nurses’ knowledge and attitude regarding older patients?
Jeroen Dikken

AIM: Reliable and valid instruments to measure attitude and knowledge regarding older patients are lacking. Consequently, the “Knowledge-about-Older-Patient Quiz” (KOP-Q) was developed and validated for use in the Netherlands and USA. Furthermore, an existing instrument that measures attitude regarding older patients, the Older Patient in Acute Care Survey (OPACS), was tested for use in both countries.
METHOD: Multiple qualitative and quantitative studies of both instruments were conducted following the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). These criteria were used as a guideline to select study design and statistical tests.
FINDINGS: The KOP-Q is a valid and reliable instrument for use in the Netherlands and United States. It assesses a wide range of knowledge-levels (from first year students to nurse specialists). The OPACS is considered valid and reliable for use in the USA. However, not all elements of the construct attitude can be measured with a self-assessment scale as the OPACS and results should be considered carefully. The OPACS is not considered valid for use in the Netherlands.
CONCLUSION: Knowledge and attitude levels of (student) nurses need to be measured and understood using instruments such as the KOP-Q and OPAC-US in order to make true, rightful assumptions. Then shortcomings can be addressed in education and quality improvement programs can be developed that positively influence the quality of care older patients receive. This should be a priority concern of professionals, educators, and policy makers.

Key words: Knowledge, attitude, student, nurses, older patients


Cover proefschrift Jeroen Dikken

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