Zelfmanagement-ondersteuning: geen one-size-fits-all

  • 11 min.
  • Shortpaper


Self-management support: no one-size-fits-all
Nathalie Eikelenboom

AIM: To develop and validate the Self-Management Screening (SeMaS), a practice useable tool that provides insight in important characteristics of selfmanagement in patients with chronic diseases in primary care.
METHOD: Utilizing mixed methods, we tested the effect of using the SeMaS profile and provided personalised counselling on patient activation and health-related behaviour in a RCT with process evaluation.
FINDINGS: The most important characteristics of self-management were: self-efficacy, locus of control, social support, coping, anxiety and depression. The tool showed acceptable results in the validation study. In the effect study, the patient activation did not differ between the control and intervention arm after six months. In the intervention arm, more patients performed selfmonitoring and had an individual care plan. All characteristics of SeMaS were more frequently discussed in the intervention arm. SeMaS increased the insight in patients’ characteristics and provided a structure in the consultation.

DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Discussing SeMaS and offering tailored support did not affect patient activation or lifestyle, but did stimulate patients to selfmonitor and use individual care plans. SeMaS positively influenced the items discussed during consultation. Future research is needed to investigate the potential of the instrument with an improved, intensive implementation strategy.

Keywords: Selfmanagement, primary care, profile, chronic illness, personalized care

Cover proefschrift Nathalie Eikelenboom


Patiënten met een chronische aandoening moeten omgaan met zowel het medische, emotionele als het sociale aspect van het leven met hun aandoening. Dit wordt ook wel aangeduid als zelfmanagement. Zelfmanagement wordt gezien als een belangrijk element om gezondheidsuitkomsten en kwaliteit van leven te verbeteren, en de kosten van de gezondheidszorg te  beheersen.&ellipsis;

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