Leven toevoegen aan de jaren. Kwaliteit van leven van mensen met dementie die langdurige zorg ontvangen

  • 11 min.
  • Shortpaper


Adding life to years.
Quality of life of people with dementia receiving long-term care
Hanneke Beerens

AIM: This dissertation had two aims. First, it aimed to gain insight into quality of life of people with dementia receiving longterm care at home and in nursing homes. Second, it aimed to assess which factors are associated with quality of life of these people.
METHOD: This dissertation relied on two projects, more specifically 1) a European clinical survey on quality of life and quality of care of people with dementia receiving care either at home or in a nursing home; and 2) an observational study in Dutch nursing homes.
FINDINGS: People with dementia who received long-term (nursing) home care were found to have a satisfactory quality of life. Quality of life did not automatically decline after nursing home admission. Quality of life seemed higher in northern and western European countries as compared to eastern and southern European countries. Mood was most consistently associated with quality of life.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Contrary to what many people assume, having dementia and living in a nursing home can be characterized by a satisfactory level of quality of life. Furthermore, the results of this dissertation emphasize the importance of preventing a negative mood (e.g. depressive symptoms) and more importantly encouraging a positive mood.

Keywords: Dementia, nursing home, longterm care, quality of life, mood

Cover proefschrift Hanneke Beerens


Dementie is een van belangrijkste redenen om aanspraak te maken op langdurige zorg, zowel thuis als in het verpleeghuis (1,2).
Daarenboven neemt het aantal ouderen en mensen met dementie toe door de vergrijzing van de bevolking. In Nederland zal het aantal mensen met dementie in 2050 500.000 bedragen (3). Vanwege de intensieve zorg die nodig is voor mensen met dementie, is dementiezorg een prioriteit geworden in zowel Nederland als andere landen (4,5).&ellipsis;

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