Uitdagende relaties: Interacties van begeleiders bij de ondersteuning van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en probleemgedrag

  • 12 min.
  • Shortpaper


Challenging relationships: Interactions in supporting persons with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour
Arno Willems

AIM: This PhD thesis focuses on staff who support people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour. Their relationships are studied, in specific staff interpersonal behaviour and interactions.
METHOD: First, two cross-sectional studies were performed on how to measure staff interactive behaviour towards people with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour. A selfreport instrument was constructed, replicated and validated. Next, two more cross-sectional studies were conducted to study which factors influence staff interpersonal behaviour. Third, to discover the dynamic patterns in interactions between support staff and a client, an observational study was performed.
FINDINGS: The Staff-Client Interactive Behaviour Inventory (SCIBI) appears to be a reliable and sufficiently valid instrument. Based on the functional analysis, it is clear that both client challenging and interpersonal behaviour influence staff interpersonal behaviour. Additionally, staff interpersonal behaviour is most importantly driven by their personal and social factors, being emotional reactions, attitude, selfefficacy, selfreflection/selfinsight, coping style, team climate, and intrapersonal emotional intelligence. The observational analysis showed that even in interactions where many conflicts occur, both partners adapt their interpersonal behaviour to one another, with interesting findings on who is leading or dominating these interaction patterns.
DISCUSSION and CONCLUSION: Based on our research, a comprehensive outline for an intervention is presented. The intervention is named ‘Interaction Training, Coaching and Consultation for Teams’. It encompasses twelve content themes, five stages, and six strategies. These aspects can also be used for clinical purposes in the treatment of a client with challenging behaviour, by using the SCIBI.

Keywords: Intellectual disabilities, challenging behaviour, interpersonal staff behaviour, interpersonal model, staff training


Cover proefschrift Challenging Relationships

Het onderzoek in dit proefschrift richtte zich op de professionele relatie van begeleiders met mensen met een verstandelijke beperking en gedragsproblemen.&ellipsis;

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